Mandatory EDI Training
The following groups of people are now required to undertake mandatory EDI training (as agreed by Conference)
- All ministers (including Superintendents and District Chairs)
- Local Preachers and Worship Leaders
- Connexional Committee members
- Connexional Team members
- Circuit and District Safeguarding Officers
- Circuit stewards and church stewards
- Lay workers: a) Lay Pastoral Workers b) Children, Youth and Family Workers c) Pioneers
A link to the online training can be found here:-
This training is to help us to live out our commitment to being a church which is inclusive and justice-seeking. We are now committeed to life-long learning about the richness of human diversity and to learning from one another. Thanks for your help in putting this in to practice.
The Methodist Church has published additional materials for those who are running EDI training sessions as a group. The information is here: Mandatory EDI Training (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) (, and the resources are here: Training Resources (
In addition the Central Norfolk Circuit (Rev Anne Richardson and Rev Jonny Bell) have developed their own in person resources which they are happy to share: here is the link to these resources.
Stuart Watkin who covers EDI matters for the Learning Network has prepared a document which sets out the pros and cons of using the various training methods. Here is a link to the document which it should be possible to open as a pdf file in your browser. A link to the same document in Microsoft Word format is here.
The following resources are also useful:-
Mandatory EDI Recorded PowerPoint.mp4 - Prepared by The Revd Jonny Bell
- The following videos are to watch at different points in the PowerPoint:
- The following documents are to be read both during and after the training in order for it to be 'completed':
- Methodism Today Module 3
- Case Studies (with and without the correct answers)
- EDI Training Factsheet
- JDS User Guide
- Methodism Today Module 3
It would be helpful to have a Bible to hand when doing the training.
There is reference to a Personal Responsibility Commitment and you may find this link helpful Personal Responsibility Commitment.
It will also be necessary to complete the Unconscious Bias training if this has not already been done. Ways of doing this can be found by following this link Unconscious Bias training.