Committees and Groups

Worship Group

Advocate – Mrs Maggie Finbow

Evangelism Group

Advocate - To be appointed

Learning & Caring Group

Advocate – Mr. Richard Dean

District Committee for Learning

District Safeguarding Group
Presbyteral & Diaconal Probations Oversight Committee
District Candidates Committee

Justice-seeking Church (Service) Group

Advocate – Rev Derek Grimshaw

Administration Group

Co-ordinator – Rev. Andrew King

Other Groups

Finance & Property Committee
Grants & Personnel Committee
District Complaints Support Group
District Lay Employment Committee
District Chair`s Nomination Committee
Manse Committee
Appeals and Scrutineer
District Reconciliation Team 
District Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

Contact Info

(Please contact Danielle Gravestock/The District Office only for matters that relate to the Methodist District. For Local Church or Circuit matters please contact the people on the individual Circuit and Church pages.)

01603 625765

Danielle Gravestock

The District Office
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church

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Registered Charity Number 1129451

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