Safeguarding - Creating Safer Space
Welcome to the Safeguarding pages of the East Anglia District website.
The District Safeguarding Officer is Neil van Holland. Neil can be contacted by clicking here to email him or you can phone him on 07787 225 230.
If you believe someone is in immediate danger call the Emergency Services on 999 or 101.
We are here to support and help keep everyone safe in our churches.
Please use the tabs above to find other information.
Connexional Audit of Safeguarding in the District - read the full report here
Safeguarding Forum
The next Forum is on Monday 25th November at 7pm. There will be a safeguarding input followed by an open floor discussion and Q and A.
You can register for the event at the following link
Activity Risk Assessments
It is a requirement in the policies of the Methodist Church that all activities have an up to date Activity Risk Assessment. There is an example here and a template for your own use here. Please contact Neil if you need further support with this.
GDPR: Privacy Notices
Link to Privacy Notices: here
Click here for The Methodist Church’s Connexional Safeguarding information.